Partner Criteria
Partner Criteria
We seek to acquire a business that falls within the blockchain use case areas, that can enjoy the advantages of blockchain applications and related technologies and is an infrastructure company related to the global digital transition and innovation convergence. We believe that these industries are attractive for a number of reasons, including: they represent both large and addressable markets, which are characterized by a high level of innovation, and they include a large number of emerging high growth companies that are the right size as potential targets.
Blockchain enabled applications within synergistic technology platforms including Internet of Things, MedTech, and Artificial Intelligence
~$700m to $3 billion of equity value
Focus on North America (and selectively Europe/ Israel)
Scaled, high growth, profitable / credible path to profitability
Financial Profile
Motivated teams with track-record of success and a willingness
to partner
Management Team
Market leaders, established business model, strong business moat, scope for platform expansion
Financial Profile: Scaled, high growth, profitable/ credible path to profitability
Competitive Differentiation
Digital IT / Tech-enabled Services
Healthcare Technology
Industry Sectors
Our primary focus will be on infrastructure companies with one or more of the following characteristics.
Independent companies or corporate spinoffs
Strategically focused investors
Technology focused for innovative outcomes
Addressable conditions that opportunities for innovation
Experienced management teams with previous successes and known for fostering entrepreneurial cultures
High growth prospects with sustainable proprietary position
Very late stage development or revenue generating
6555 Sanger Road, Suite 200
Orlando, Florida 32827
(407) 720-9250
Global Blockchain Partners
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